Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Stop Pushing What you Want Further Away!!

A good friend of mine reminded me today of the importance of  remaining in a space of gratitude. Sometimes we can get caught up in what is "not" working out in "our" time, and move into a space of "worry".  Nothing positive can be created from this space. Truthfully, it only creates more of the same stuff your worrying about in the 1st place. If you are complaining about things taking "too long" you are really delaying it further.  Thoughts are Things People. You are creating every second. With this being said, I am writing a list of all of the "Good" I am grateful for that is happening RIGHT NOW!  This is the innergy of Abundance Beautiful 1's!  This Innergy creates more of what you are already grateful for.  The more you appreciate what you have, the less you desire.  Try it for yourself. Write out a list of all of things you are grateful for... See how it makes you feel. And what it creates!

 Peace & Love 1 Another.

What I am Grateful For-RIGHT NOW!

  1. A comfortable place to live
  2. The beauty provided by this tree outside of my window
  3. Air Conditioning
  4. All the love and support my book has been receiving
  5. All those inspired by my message of love
  6. For Those I have loved that have moved on to the next season of their life & for all of the lessons I've learned about myself throughout the process
  7. Family and Friends that SHOW UP when you really need them. (Even if u lock the door...they still manage to get in:)
  8. The knowledge of the benefits of meditation. I now go within for my answers.
  9. The farmers market and the fresh food for the best prices around. 
  10. Sweet Plantains
  11. A car that starts up when I turn the ignition
  12. A mother that taught me the importance of cooking and cleaning for myself & the peace of mind it brings.
  13. The lady at the grocery store with the INCREDIBLY STANK ATTITUDE that inspired my next project on the importance of customer service. (Sending her love and light :)
  14. Having a cool neighbor!
  15. Seeing my reflection in another
  16. Thankful for all of my needs ALWAYS being met!
  17. The ability to put my thoughts into words and then into action and sitting back to watch the seeds grow.
  18. Books that inspire me and that are accessible to me
  19. Pandora radio for making it easy for me 2 maintain my musical vibe

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